Saturday 16 May 2020

The Implementation New Curriculum (K13) in Indonesia

By: Salma Nabila Putri

Implementing a new curriculum is one of the efforts made by the government (Kemdikbud RI) to improve the quality of education. It is a necessity because the curriculum needs to be adjusted periodically to: (1) the vision and mission of the institution of education providers; (2) the demands of society (including the job market); and (3) the development of science and technology. Curriculum 2013 was designed to prepare the  Indonesian who can live, both as individuals and citizens, who have a belief, who are productive, creative, innovative, and effective and able to contribute to society, nation, state, and world civilization. This objective will be achieved if the Government and the entire community, especially teachers as a practice learning agent, implement Curriculum 2013 in the best manner. Meanwhile, a lot of indicators reveal that the efforts to improve the quality of our education until now, including curriculum development, have not been able to improve the quality of education significantly. One of the factors that caused them was the weakness of the implementation of the education quality improvement efforts.
            The 2013 Curriculum advocates the learners with the quality of contributing to the advancement of the lives of the society where they live, the life of the nation in political, social, economic, culture, arts, technology, and others. Besides, it advocates student active learning. It is written in the curriculum document that students should be active to explore knowledge, skills, and develop attitudes. To provide experiences for the students to have ample opportunities to be active, the 2013 Curriculum advocates what is called a “scientific approach” and allocates more time for the student to learn. The scientific approach model has been modified for the 2013 Curriculum so that it can be applied to each course and not necessarily limited to natural science courses such as biology, physics, or chemistry. The model has five activities that should be developed in the learning-teaching process and they are not a syntax of a teaching or learning model. They are observing, questioning, exploring, or experimenting, analyzing, and communicating. Each of these activities is considered as a competency and, therefore, it should be planned and assessed. Each of these activities is potentially developed competencies that are pertinent to the 2013 Curriculum. It will bring a very fundamental change in history education as those curriculum principles show that there should be a shift from memorizing and factually based education to thinking and value-based education. As a content of the 2013 Curriculum, history education will have fundamental change as well. History as a course to memorize facts will change to history as a course to develop values and critical thinking.

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  1. Seems like K13 is the great curriculum to be implemented in Indonesia!

  2. My High school implemented this curriculum since 2015, that was my first year in there. Time flies so fast it seems like it was just yesterday

  3. I think the Curriculum 2013 is suitable to be applied in this current era that requires a lot of expertise.

  4. K13 seems good to be implemented, but it still has some problems.

  5. K-13 is a great curriculum and more advanced than before. But I think we still need to improve it a little bit so it can be better.

  6. I think K13 is a good curriculum as long as the facilities provided are also adequate.

  7. In my opinion K13 is very good, but still needs to be improved again.

  8. There are a few things that still developed when applying K13. But overall it's great to apply in now era.

  9. although there are several things that need to be improved, but curriculum k13 seems to be very effective in helping students to be active in learning process

  10. In the 2013 curriculum students are required to be active in the classroom. That's great.

  11. even though in k13 students have to be more active, but the fact there are many students that still quiet in class

  12. Thank you for the information 😇

  13. i like this topic... good job
