Sunday, 17 May 2020

The Dilemma of Online Learning

Coronavirus outbreaks are rampant. Everyone is affected by this pandemic. Likewise in the education sector. Due to the booming distribution of COVID-19, the government implemented Penmbelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) system. Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh  (PJJ) is not only intended for elementary schools or secondary schools, but this system is intended for all educational institutions to universities. This education system was put in place to break the chain of distribution of co-19.
Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh  (PJJ) system by relying on mobile phones, laptops, computers, or other gadgets as learning media. To support the effectiveness of online teaching and learning activities, there are also supporting applications such as ZOOM, Classroom, Hangout, WhatsApp, and other Google applications that are used.
With this application, both teachers and students can interact via video or by sending messages, so the teacher can still monitor student progress. The material provided is also sent in the form of files, photos, or "broadcast" using these applications.

But on the other hand, students claim to bring in sending assignments. This is because they are not yet accustomed to using the application. In addition, the display application that is used is also not understood by ordinary people. Given the level of technology use in Indonesia is still relatively low.
Seeing other problems, using internet data to access the application also costs a lot. Given the increasingly widespread pandemic and the uncertainty of the situation makes them feel burdened too. Moreover, the economic limitations of each individual are different.
Internet subsidies also have been provided to students at several universities. This was enough to relieve their anxiety. But one problem was solved, another problem appeared again.
Now students complain about Uang Kuliah Tunggal (UKT). Again, reduced income is a major factor. Not only staying silent, but they also took various actions so that the university would provide UKT relief. At least they can pay in installments in the allotted time or decrease the UKT. Remember the uncertain pandemic when it ends.
Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) system has indeed become a solution to reduce the process of COVID-19 deployment. However, the government must also reconsider this policy because there are still many problems that occur. Not only a matter of economic limitations and understanding of each student, but also security in the use of the application. Why the use of the application also considered safe? This must be considered because anyone can hack the application.



  1. True! That dilemma attack me so much!

  2. Yeah, those dilemmas make me stressed out.

  3. The online assignments really hit me!

  4. awww yees online learning is exhausting because there is no time limit so we can have class at 7 p.m and everyone is okay with it. Phew, but at least we are following the protocol about social distancing so...... okay.

  5. Yes, right . this also makes me very dilemma!!

  6. I hate online learning, because it does not make me understand but instead makes it even more stressful.

  7. That's true, those dillemas hit me so well. It's comfortable for to study in school or campus rather than at home.

  8. Great, I like this article but I don't like online learning because there are many negative effects for me hehe

  9. it seems like that there are gaps in terms of facilities

  10. Online learning affects my mental.

  11. Honestly, I really don't like online learning.

  12. Yes, I prefer studying online to studying offline.

  13. But if it is to long studying online at home is boring as well

  14. Online learning is fun but it's also sad because you can't meet face to face with friends.

  15. Online learning is fantastic. But, the problem is when your Internet down or you have to do some important activity like working, it really stuck me and exhausted

  16. i like this topic... good job
