Sunday, 17 May 2020

The Role of Technology in the World of Education

By: Devi Roseana

In modern times like now, humans are very dependent on technology. This makes technology a basic need for everyone. Technology results have long been used in education. The invention of paper, printing machines, the radio, film, TV, computers, and others was used for education.
The global demands the world of education to always and constantly adjust technological developments to efforts in improving the quality of education, especially adjusting the use of information and communication technology for education, and in the learning process.
According to H. Hamzah B. Uno and Hj. Nina Lamatenggo, (2011, 61) in Budiman (2017). Said that the education trends in Indonesia in the future are as follows:
1. Development of open education with distance learning mode (distance learning). Then to carry out open and distance education needs to be included as the main strategy;
2. Sharing shared resources between educational / training institutions in a library network and other educational instruments (teachers, laboratories) change functions to be a source of information rather than just a bookshelf;
3. The use of interactive information technology devices, such as multimedia CD-ROMs in education, has gradually replaced television and video. With the development of technology and information in the world of education, at that time it was possible to hold distance learning by using internet media to connect between students and lecturers, see student grades online, check finances, view lecture schedules, send assignment files given lecturers and so on.
The Role of Information Technology in the World of Education in Indonesia
In the education process, communication is carried out using communication media such as telephone, computer, internet, e-mail, and so on. Interaction between teacher/lecturer and students/students is not only done through face-to-face relationships but also done using these media.
The serious problem that is still being felt by the world of education in Indonesia from basic education to higher education is the problem of "quality/quality". For this reason, there are three basic principles in educational technology as a reference for their development and use, namely: a systems approach, student-oriented, and the use of learning resources.
In general, the role of e-learning in the learning process can be grouped into two, namely: complementary and substitution. Complementary presupposes that the method of learning with face-to-face meetings is still running, but coupled with an information technology-assisted (IT) interaction model. While the substitution, most of the learning process is done assisted by information technology (IT).
Impacts of Utilization of Information Technology in the World of Education in Indonesia
The positive impact of information technology in the world of education is: the information needed will be more quickly and easily accessed for educational purposes, innovation in learning is increasingly developing with the existence of e-learning innovations that further facilitate the educational process, advances in information and communication technology
The negative impact of information technology in the world of education, among others: the conversion of teachers and resulted in the teacher being excluded, or also cause the creation of individuals who are individual because the learning system can be done with only one person.



  1. Seems like technology develops faster than my brain, haha.

  2. I wonder why does technology develop so fast recently ?

    1. In my opinion the need for an activity should always continue, but because of a pandemic, people are advised to continue working at home. therefore, technology will be needed at these times.

  3. OMG, i just realised that technology developed so fast currently.

  4. It's hard to say that technology develops faster than my brain. Poor me:(

  5. Short, solid, clear and very inspiring 🥳

  6. Now is a technology era. The development of technology is crazy fast. One moment we have this modern phone, next we have more up-to-date and cool looking phone that's just amazing.

  7. technology is very important especially in the current era is very useful anything we can find on the internet.

  8. technology is developing so fast but not with the person. I have to be enthusiastic again to develop fast like technology!

  9. Time flies so fast, and technology too. Right, we have to use technology wisely!

  10. Technology changes us a lot. In decade, there were many changes happening in education. I still wonder why it can be.

  11. yes. it is undeniable that all current affairs involve of technology in all its aspects.

  12. The technology are a way ahead from me.

  13. I think learning with technology can be solution for this pandemic.

  14. Yes, for example like nowadays we do online course and we need technology to complete the ICT's assignment.

  15. technology is really important in this kind of situation because many activities are done by online

  16. Such as a good article. Well done!

  17. i like this topic... good job
