Sunday, 17 May 2020

Study at Home? Tips to Create Learning Atmosphere

Since the spread of Coronavirus Disease-2019 learning in the classroom has been replaced by an online system. Quoting from government regulations concerning preparedness and anticipatory measures to prevent infection, schools divert online learning so students can learn from home.
Studying at home is a comfortable, low-pressure environment. However, there are a few reasons it can be difficult to study at home; At home and distraction can prevent you from accomplishing what you need to get done. Watching TV, taking a nap, scrolling through social media, or other activities, are big productivity killers that take you away from your goal of studying for or completing that assignment.
Here are several of many ways to help you stay focused and get more done when studying at home.
1. Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Students of all ages should get at least eight hours of sleep every school night. It’s the best way to ensure that the brain is refreshed and ready to process all of the information learned during the day. It may be tempting to stay up late to cram, but it’s more beneficial to get enough rest. A full night’s sleep is especially important the night before a test—a good night’s sleep makes you more alert and improves memory for test material, leading to better test results.
2. Study At The Right Time
Every student has his or her daily highs and lows. Some people are night owls while some people prefer the morning. Take advantage of the time of the day you feel most productive, and don’t try to force yourself. Try to study when you are most alert, so you can process and retain the information that you are studying.
3. Have A Designated Study Area
Whether it’s the kitchen table or the desk in your bedroom, create an area to study that is a designated study zone. Try to reserve your bed for sleeping and avoid studying in it (it can be all too easy to take a nap!). Most importantly, keep your study space clean and organized so you can put more time into studying (and less trying to find a pen that works).
4. Create A Timetable
Creating a timetable helps organize your time, schedules your breaks, and is especially useful when you have multiple subjects to study. Write your schedule down so you can remember it and refer to it often. Set reasonable limits for how much time you spend studying each day, and break your study session up into manageable chunks of time.

Although it seems convenient, studying at home can be difficult—procrastination and distraction can happen easily. But with a little bit of planning and organization, it can be an effective (and comfortable) place to study.

The Role of Technology in the World of Education

By: Devi Roseana

In modern times like now, humans are very dependent on technology. This makes technology a basic need for everyone. Technology results have long been used in education. The invention of paper, printing machines, the radio, film, TV, computers, and others was used for education.
The global demands the world of education to always and constantly adjust technological developments to efforts in improving the quality of education, especially adjusting the use of information and communication technology for education, and in the learning process.
According to H. Hamzah B. Uno and Hj. Nina Lamatenggo, (2011, 61) in Budiman (2017). Said that the education trends in Indonesia in the future are as follows:
1. Development of open education with distance learning mode (distance learning). Then to carry out open and distance education needs to be included as the main strategy;
2. Sharing shared resources between educational / training institutions in a library network and other educational instruments (teachers, laboratories) change functions to be a source of information rather than just a bookshelf;
3. The use of interactive information technology devices, such as multimedia CD-ROMs in education, has gradually replaced television and video. With the development of technology and information in the world of education, at that time it was possible to hold distance learning by using internet media to connect between students and lecturers, see student grades online, check finances, view lecture schedules, send assignment files given lecturers and so on.
The Role of Information Technology in the World of Education in Indonesia
In the education process, communication is carried out using communication media such as telephone, computer, internet, e-mail, and so on. Interaction between teacher/lecturer and students/students is not only done through face-to-face relationships but also done using these media.
The serious problem that is still being felt by the world of education in Indonesia from basic education to higher education is the problem of "quality/quality". For this reason, there are three basic principles in educational technology as a reference for their development and use, namely: a systems approach, student-oriented, and the use of learning resources.
In general, the role of e-learning in the learning process can be grouped into two, namely: complementary and substitution. Complementary presupposes that the method of learning with face-to-face meetings is still running, but coupled with an information technology-assisted (IT) interaction model. While the substitution, most of the learning process is done assisted by information technology (IT).
Impacts of Utilization of Information Technology in the World of Education in Indonesia
The positive impact of information technology in the world of education is: the information needed will be more quickly and easily accessed for educational purposes, innovation in learning is increasingly developing with the existence of e-learning innovations that further facilitate the educational process, advances in information and communication technology
The negative impact of information technology in the world of education, among others: the conversion of teachers and resulted in the teacher being excluded, or also cause the creation of individuals who are individual because the learning system can be done with only one person.


The Dilemma of Online Learning

Coronavirus outbreaks are rampant. Everyone is affected by this pandemic. Likewise in the education sector. Due to the booming distribution of COVID-19, the government implemented Penmbelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) system. Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh  (PJJ) is not only intended for elementary schools or secondary schools, but this system is intended for all educational institutions to universities. This education system was put in place to break the chain of distribution of co-19.
Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh  (PJJ) system by relying on mobile phones, laptops, computers, or other gadgets as learning media. To support the effectiveness of online teaching and learning activities, there are also supporting applications such as ZOOM, Classroom, Hangout, WhatsApp, and other Google applications that are used.
With this application, both teachers and students can interact via video or by sending messages, so the teacher can still monitor student progress. The material provided is also sent in the form of files, photos, or "broadcast" using these applications.

But on the other hand, students claim to bring in sending assignments. This is because they are not yet accustomed to using the application. In addition, the display application that is used is also not understood by ordinary people. Given the level of technology use in Indonesia is still relatively low.
Seeing other problems, using internet data to access the application also costs a lot. Given the increasingly widespread pandemic and the uncertainty of the situation makes them feel burdened too. Moreover, the economic limitations of each individual are different.
Internet subsidies also have been provided to students at several universities. This was enough to relieve their anxiety. But one problem was solved, another problem appeared again.
Now students complain about Uang Kuliah Tunggal (UKT). Again, reduced income is a major factor. Not only staying silent, but they also took various actions so that the university would provide UKT relief. At least they can pay in installments in the allotted time or decrease the UKT. Remember the uncertain pandemic when it ends.
Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) system has indeed become a solution to reduce the process of COVID-19 deployment. However, the government must also reconsider this policy because there are still many problems that occur. Not only a matter of economic limitations and understanding of each student, but also security in the use of the application. Why the use of the application also considered safe? This must be considered because anyone can hack the application.


Saturday, 16 May 2020

The Implementation New Curriculum (K13) in Indonesia

By: Salma Nabila Putri

Implementing a new curriculum is one of the efforts made by the government (Kemdikbud RI) to improve the quality of education. It is a necessity because the curriculum needs to be adjusted periodically to: (1) the vision and mission of the institution of education providers; (2) the demands of society (including the job market); and (3) the development of science and technology. Curriculum 2013 was designed to prepare the  Indonesian who can live, both as individuals and citizens, who have a belief, who are productive, creative, innovative, and effective and able to contribute to society, nation, state, and world civilization. This objective will be achieved if the Government and the entire community, especially teachers as a practice learning agent, implement Curriculum 2013 in the best manner. Meanwhile, a lot of indicators reveal that the efforts to improve the quality of our education until now, including curriculum development, have not been able to improve the quality of education significantly. One of the factors that caused them was the weakness of the implementation of the education quality improvement efforts.
            The 2013 Curriculum advocates the learners with the quality of contributing to the advancement of the lives of the society where they live, the life of the nation in political, social, economic, culture, arts, technology, and others. Besides, it advocates student active learning. It is written in the curriculum document that students should be active to explore knowledge, skills, and develop attitudes. To provide experiences for the students to have ample opportunities to be active, the 2013 Curriculum advocates what is called a “scientific approach” and allocates more time for the student to learn. The scientific approach model has been modified for the 2013 Curriculum so that it can be applied to each course and not necessarily limited to natural science courses such as biology, physics, or chemistry. The model has five activities that should be developed in the learning-teaching process and they are not a syntax of a teaching or learning model. They are observing, questioning, exploring, or experimenting, analyzing, and communicating. Each of these activities is considered as a competency and, therefore, it should be planned and assessed. Each of these activities is potentially developed competencies that are pertinent to the 2013 Curriculum. It will bring a very fundamental change in history education as those curriculum principles show that there should be a shift from memorizing and factually based education to thinking and value-based education. As a content of the 2013 Curriculum, history education will have fundamental change as well. History as a course to memorize facts will change to history as a course to develop values and critical thinking.

Source :

The Importance of Education in Human Life

By: Salma Nabila Putri

Education is not only important, but it also needed in human life. It is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Without education, one will not explore new ideas. It means one will not able to develop the world because without ideas there is no creativity and without creativity, there is no development of the nation. While most feel that education is a necessity, they tend to use it as a tool for reaching a specific target or personal mark, after which there is no further need to seek greater education. Nonetheless, the importance of education in society is indispensable and cohering, which is why society and knowledge cannot be ever separated into two distinct entities.
For a Career or Job
Education is very important because it gives us the skills needed in work and helps us to realize career goals. Expertise is a deep knowledge of a particular field. It can open good career opportunities for the future. So that with proper and good education it can help us as humans to realize dreams.
Being a Good Person
The importance of education for humans is to make people better and have character. Education besides being important for a career, it's also very important to make humans better because it makes us civilized. In general, education is the basis of culture and civilization. Education makes us human to think, analyze, and decide. The growth of character in oneself is also a goal with education, so it can create better human resources.
Help the Progress of the Nation
For the progress of a nation, education has an important role. So a good human needs education. In a competitive era, education is a way to compete. Most of them realize that having a good education will produce good people. Not only education but also requires sufficient expertise in making nation progress.
Giving Knowledge
The direct effect of education is creating an extensive knowledge. Education provides very important lessons for humans about the perspective of life around them. Real education is obtained from the lessons of our lives. Therefore many governments recommend that good education start early. So that when they grow up, they will have good human resources.
Enlighten Life
Education can erase the wrong perspective in our minds. It can also help us to create a clear representation of things around us. Besides, it also erases all confusion. People with higher education will usually be wiser in solving a problem, it is because they have learned about the science of education in life.
            Education plays a continuous role in all spheres of life. The reason being, that if we are aware of the drawbacks of a decision and we know about the possible contingencies and the collateral damage, our consequent actions would be wiser, which would help us to keep danger at bay at all times.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Cooperative Learning to Engage the Student in the Learning Process

By: Sekar Meifi Andari

Getting students attention while in the teaching-learning process become more and more challenging as they now they can get as many information from their gadget and offline class may seem boring. It is the teacher's concern to think about how to trigger student's attention so that they can engage in the learning process to achieve the learning outcomes successfully.
One reasonable solution to that kind of problem is to employ Cooperative Learning. It may be a common thing or even many educational institutions have employed cooperative learning. But in order to be aware, there are only several schools in Indonesia that have been employed in this technique properly. Indeed, many teachers have made the students have the discussion, to learn in  a group and/or with peers. Yet also many of them apply it in the wrong way. The teacher only let the students discuss in a group when they doing exercises, not exploring the materials. In other words, the teacher still explaining the materials without letting the students find the answer by discussing to build their critical thinking. Not to mention, even the students are already in a group, there must be one or two students that won't share any opinion, it might be due to their personalities or the instruction from the teachers themselves. 
But before we go further to why we should employ cooperative learning, what are the benefits and  what kind of techniques in cooperative learning, let us first discuss what is cooperative learning.
Cooperative is working together to accomplish shared goals. Within cooperative situations, individuals seek outcomes that are beneficial to themselves and beneficial to all other group members. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other's learning. It may be contrasted with competitive and individualistic learning. In cooperative and individualistic learning, teacher evaluate student efforts on a critera-referenced basis while in competitive learning the teacher grade students on a norm-referenced basis. While there are limitations on when and where you may use competitive and individualistic learning appropriately, the teacher may structure any learning task in any subject area with any curriculum cooperatively.
There are many benefits that students can take by implementing cooperative learning such as they will get higher achievement, more positive relationships, higher self-esteem, greater social support, better attitudes toward teachers and school. When students are working toward a common goal, academic work becomes an activity valued by peers, students are motivated to help one another learning, when students need to organize their thoughts in order to explain them to teammates, they must engage in thinking that builds on other ideas (cognitive elaboration) which greatly enhances their own understanding, and many more.
When the teacher properly implementing cooperative learning, not only the learning outcomes will be achieved but it will also provide experiences that develop both learning skills and social skills that are useful for students in the future.
Moreover, cooperative learning produces critical experiences that other learning structures cannot. The following skills that are developed through regular and effective cooperative learning are just a few of many.
1. Leadership Skills
Natural leaders become quickly evident in small groups, but most students will not feel naturally inclined to lead. Assign leadership roles of varying prominence to every member of a group to help all individuals practice leading.
2. Teamwork Skills
Students who work together as a team share a common goal: a successful project.This can only be achieved through the combined efforts of the whole group. The ability to work as a team towards a common goal is an invaluable quality to have in the real world, especially for careers.
3. Communication Skills
All members of a cooperative learning group have to learn to speak productively with one another to stay on track. These skills should be taught and modeled by a teacher before being practiced by students, as they do not always come naturally.
4. Conflict Management Skills
Conflicts are bound to arise in any group setting. Give students space to try and work out their issues for themselves before stepping in. With that said, always monitor the class during cooperative learning.
Students quickly learn to come to resolutions on their own but sometimes excessive friction gets the best of them before they can do that.
5. Decision-Making Skills
There are many decisions to be made in a cooperative environment. Encourage students to think as a team to make joint decisions by first having them come up with a team name. From there, have them decide who will complete what tasks.
Make sure that each student has their own responsibilities in cooperative learning groups.
To wrap it all up, the teacher should not leave the students by themselves without monitoring them when they are discussing in group so that every member of the group have their own responsibilities and they can develop their potential in the group optimally.
Cooperative learning techniques can be loosely categorized by the skill that each enhances (Barkley, Cross, and Major, 2005), although it is important to recognize that many cooperative learning exercises can be developed within multiple categories.
In other words, cooperative learning not only gives benefits in the school environment but also in the social environment. Not to mention, the benefits from employing cooperative learning can help developing someone's character and increase the quality of Human Resources.

Blended Learning in Disruption Era

By: Sekar Meifi Andari

Today we live in a disruption where everything we need is available in our gadget including sciences. Education nowadays also requires the use of the gadget in order to do the blended learning. It is not an official requirement yet that schools in Indonesia have to do so, but it is an important step to guide the students to use the internet in a proper way, it means that they can use their gadget to explore further regarding the materials they are learning about.
One of the aims of blended learning is to help the students to have better progress in the learning process, under the preference and the learning style. (Pradnyana: 2013)

In order to achieve the aims, the teacher needs to employ learning models that fit to the program. But before deciding what kind of models will be used, the teacher shall learn to use the CoI (Community of Inquiry) framework first. The framework has 3 elements that are a social element, cognitive element, and teaching element.
Social element grants that students in CoI will free to express themselves openly in the way they like. They shall develop their relationship to have such commitment and ability to achieve academic purposes as it stated, not to mention to get a sense of belonging.
Cognitive element is the basic concept of the inquiry process. This element map inquiry patterns in the learning cycle from experiences through reflection and conceptualization to further exploration.
In the context of education, the teaching element is crucial to unite the social element and cognitive and to make sure that the learning community is productive. The teaching element provides designs, facilities, and instructions to create precious learning experiences.
The three elements must exist in each design of blended learning. Currently, the development of blended learning is growing faster which not only increases flexibility and individualization of student learning experiences but also allows teacher to streamline the time they spend as a learning facilitator.
There are many blended learning models that have been developed. These are several models that have been implemented by many educational institutions in various parts of the world.
1. Flex Blended Learning
Flex is included in the type of blended learning model where online learning is the core or backbone of student learning, but is still supported by offline learning activities. Students continue learning that begins in a real class with flexible schedules that are individually tailored to various learning modalities.
Most students still study at school, except for homework. The teacher provides face-to-face learning support in a flexible and adaptive manner as needed through activities such as small group, group projects, and personal guidance.
2. The 'Flipped Classroom' Blended Learning
This version of flipped classroom is the most widely known version, flipped classroom starts from student learning that is done online outside the classroom or at home with content that has been provided previously. After conducting an online learning process outside of school students then deepen and practice solving problems in school with the teacher and/or peers.
Thus it can be considered the role of traditional learning in the classroom to be "reserved". Basically this learning still maintains a traditional learning format but is implemented in a new context.
3. Individual Rotation Blended Learning
The individual rotation model allows student to rotate through stations, but according to individuals schedules set by the teacher or by software algorithms. Unlike other rotation models, students do not need to turn each station; they only roll to activities scheduled on their playlists.
4. Project-Based Blended Learning
Project-based blended learning is a learning model in which students use online as well as face-to-face teaching and collaboration to design, repeat, and implement project-based or product-specifics leaning tasks.
Online learning can take the form of online learning with forms or materials that have been prepared or independent access to learning resources needed. The main characteristics in this learning is the use of online resources to support project-based learning.
5. Mastery-Based Blended Learning
In the master-based blended learning model students do online learning and face-to-face learning in turns. The design and proportion of online and face-to-face learning is built on the mastery of certain competencies.
Assessment design is very important in any mastery-based learning experience. The Ability to use face-to-face and digital assessment tools is quite complex depending on the learning design mindset.


Sunday, 3 May 2020

What Do Students Get From Distance Learning?

By: Fauziah Indrawati

The world was ravaged by disaster a pandemic caused by a coronavirus. It affects all sectors, especially education. Students are required to carry out the learning system online that is internet-based. They are using learning media such as WhatsApp, YouTube, and web education that already exist. The teacher should adjust the method of learning, so that learning at home to be effective, enjoyable, and not burdensome to the students because of the way the online is not just a process of “digitization” of teaching materials, i.e. change of teaching materials just so the reading material or the spectacle of digitally.
In this situation, teachers should use contextual things. An example is in the teaching material on the priority scale. The teacher explained the material scale of priorities, which can be done by way of discussion in the WhatsApp group or use the meeting online apps such as Zoom or Webex. On other learning students are given the task to take note of any items purchased by their families. They should do an interview with their parents about the entry day-to-day and excome on that day. After that students have to sort items of expenditure, of which the most important items that are only additional. By doing that, students can find out where a primer which is not. This concept can also be applied in the subjects of art and culture. Students who usually just draw scenery or objects, in online learning as these students can be directed to describing the impact of the coronavirus.
The pandemic such as this indeed has to force teachers to be more creative in setting up the learning for the students, because if we just give the task to the students, it does not make them familiar with the material. On the contrary, it will only add a burden to the students. Teachers as educators have to understand it.

Indonesian Education Nowadays

By: Lutfida Shinta Dewi

Education comes from the basic word students which means to maintain and provide training, teachings, guidance regarding morals, and intelligence of the mind. (KBBI: 2009). Education can be interpreted as the process of changing one’s attitude and behavior through teaching and training effort. Teachers as educators not only deliver material to students but also convey positive values ​​so that students become noble individuals.
It is not only teachers who play a role in improving student achievement. But the role of parents is also very influential in the development of children. Children must be supervised by parents while at home. Whether it’s in terms of studying or playing with their friends. This is done so that children remain in positive social circles. Because this environment also gives impacts the child's mentality in achieving learning achievement.
Bearing this in mind, there are still many children who have low manners to parents, especially to a teacher. Not infrequently they also dare to refute or say harshly openly in front of the teacher.
Speaking of manners, this should be a big problem in the world of education. In reality, someone who has good manners, good manners, and has soft words will be easily guided.
Apart from the issue of etiquette, science, and technology that are developing rapidly makes Indonesia overwhelmed in balancing other countries. Also need to know, a country is said to be advanced if the level of education in that country is also advanced. Remember that, we know that the level of educational awareness of Indonesian people is still low, especially those in remote areas.
The children's enthusiasm for learning has also declined. This happens because the world is getting instant. Moreover, internet access is getting faster. The mindset of today's students puts forward the copy-paste from the internet rather than having to think. They tend to want instant things. In other words, their thinking ability is not well developed. This is a great homework for teachers and parents.
Apart from these factors, the role of the community in the management of education is lacking. Community participation in education is still in the form of financial support. Even though the most important thing is participation in the education process which includes: (1) decision making, (2) monitoring, (3) evaluation, and (4) accountability. Aside from these, the low quality of teachers is also very alarming.
For this reason, efforts must be made to improve the quality of education, including:
1. Teacher Quality Improvement
Improving the quality of teachers can be done by selecting teachers first before being deployed to the world of education. Teachers as educators should also be more creative, innovative, skilled, have high initiatives, and have a clear political attitude. The teacher is also a human being, they also need a salary, benefits, or other awards that will be guaranteed in his life.
2. Improvement of the curriculum
The curriculum becomes a schedule or foundation that is used as a guide in educational institutions. The preparation of the curriculum must consider the natural potential, human resources, as well as existing infrastructure. Besides, the government also must pay attention to students, whether they are able to accept a new curriculum or not.
Curriculum changes which not following student’s ability also make the overwhelmed in accepting teaching from the teacher. The impact is the new curriculum doesn’t be a good breakthrough in overcoming the existence of an educational problem but rather the opposite.
3. Equitable Education
It's not a new problem if education in Indonesia is not evenly distributed. Considering that there are still many children who do not have the opportunity to receive education, especially those who are far from big cities. The government tends to pay much attention to those who in the big cities, this is why education in Indonesia still has an experience gap.


Online Learning?

By: Devi Roseana

This day, there is no doubt about all things related to technology. Technology is growing rapidly and humans are required to keep abreast of developments so as not to miss information that is connected to matters involved in their daily activities. People at this time easily access information and knowledge through the internet which is one part of technology.
Now Indonesia is faced with the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0 era. This 4.0 revolution era covers several sectors, there are; education, economy, politics, science, and others. Therefore, humans must adapt to this era. At this time people around the world are experiencing pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic, where people are required to work and study at home. Especially in Indonesia, all fields are required to do so while staying indoors, especially in the field of Education. Therefore, educational institutions continue to run online learning activities, both in class and in lectures so as not to miss learning material.
Many campuses have implemented the Online Learning System (SPADA), as an application of distance education. In the current lecture activities online lecture systems or online lectures, where participants can access the material, interact with the material, instructors, and other learning. To obtain and interpret knowledge, and improve ourselves through the experience of learning online.
For students and institutions accustomed to online lectures by utilizing internet-based information technology, this is not a problem, they only add to online meetings or replace face-to-face sessions into online classes on the Internet.
Lecturers provide material and assignments that accumulate and students are required to collect them under the specified time, without giving feedback, although not all lecturers do that. But without feedback, lectures only go one way, not dialogical lectures.
For students and institutions that are not familiar with this, they will experience difficulties in dealing with this because of the lack of facilities, and knowledge of the use of this technology. This is ironic that not all places have adequate facilities.
Lectures, regardless of the methods and tools used in online learning, dialogue between students and lecturers become the essence that should be a concern, because at this time the student process understands more deeply about the material provided by lecturers. The in-class meeting, lecturers provide material in the form of E-books, articles, videos, PPT, and others to support online lecture activities.
Therefore, lecturers in the online lecture process must utilize communication media so that lecturing is easier in class conditioning. There are several uses of communication media in learning as seen from online proportions, there are:
1. Lectures that are one hundred percent face to face. This type of lecture is carried out face-to-face through learning with print or oral teaching.
2. Web-enhanced, which is a type where 1% -29% of online lecture activities are carried out. This type of lecture usually uses internet technology to facilitate face-to-face activities, maybe by using an application or the web.
3. Blended / hybrid learning, which is a type of lecture that combines on-the-face and face-to-face methods. The number of online meetings is 30% -79%.
4. Fully learning, which is a type of lecture in which the majority of instructional materials are delivered online, it can even be without any face-to-face portions at all. More than 80% of lectures are conducted online.
A system must have its advantages and disadvantages of each, therefore follow the procedure and become an obedient citizen. Every system created must have a purpose and make it easy for users. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic which demanded that everyone carry out their activities at home. This online lecture is indeed a lecture solution that can save time and energy from students and lecturers.
